Hey once again in English (probably for the last time-until now I have always depended on the premise that my foreign friends and exboyfriends will be too lazy to use google translator so I could write pretty much anything, mostly the truth). But you know how popular was the album called My version of Eliskas and Adam´s wedding on FB, so I would also like to add some commentary to the artistic pieces which were captured by talented...not me...everybody else. And you are not allowed to laugh at me that I only now discovered how to play with photos in photoshop.
Im just fifteen I swear.
Have no idea how come but Elis and Adam are somehow busy, so its up to me and Eliskas older brother Honza to pick up the international jury for the wedding. I´d like to introduce you to the judges. You already know Jamie, Rick and Shin, but hope you understand they were quite useless so we also needed some other people to help Eliska with getting married:
Anne-France: czech-french interpreter who can say "chudák Robin, nikdo ho nemá rád" in Czech and translate it to French and English (btw it means, poor Robin, nobody likes him)
Robin: Indonesian (if hes actually from Malaysiya and I screwed it up again, Im sorry), who got secretly married few moths ago without telling OR INVITING us. The photographerJohn MacDonald: Scottish dances teacher. No relative of MacDonalds, the Americans. No hamburgers.
Christin: Deutschlander. Well, someone has to eat all those sweets and cakes, right?
Marta: Polish mum. The one who could be evil, but can´t because she just doesnt know how... And I hate her, because her legs look so sexy in the pictures.
Roman and Ksenia: Hm...maybe all the Russians arent that bad. But they still havent apologized for Ovechkin...
Anna: Well someone had to be the sexy party girl. Polish Anna, Roman, Ksenia and John are friends of Adam from Stirling Uni.
So, on Friday morning, we woke up at 8(!) and I packed my stuff = nothing + 2L plastic bottle of beer. We cought a train to Prague, but looked like no one would help me with beer. Please dont think I´m an alcoholic, but you have no idea how hard it is to be from Beer Nation and sufer with Sapporo for 800Yen, Tennents for 3,20Pound and Pabst for 2 Dolars...so when I´m back home I cut loose of the lead a bit!
Yeah, so of course no one hepled...
Robin was the first one to meet at Vaclavske square, so we all crawled and sneaked behind Robins back and surprised him. Shin had seen him on Christmas when he went to Tokyo for few days, but me, Jamie and Rick couldnt believe he was really there. Honestly who would believe that it was truth when we were saying SEE U rather than GOOD BYE in Tokyo to each other!
So Robin boasted with his super cool camera and 50 packets of cigarettes in camera bag and we sat off to old town. I played the role of a guide professionaly and told Jamie (no one else cared) about Charles the 4th and Hungry wall. Then Rick decided to buy some souvenirs for his family and girlfriend, but unfortunately he picked the biggest shits they have had in shops and me with J couldn´t but laugh at him so much. We also spent lovely 15 seconds staring at famous Old town clocks and when the amazing show finished, everybody turned their heads to me and asked:"Is that it?!?"
At 1p.m. we were supposed to meet Honza´s group consisting of Anne-France, Christin, John, Roman and Ksenia who were late, so my group fondnd a nice pizzeria near the metro station and ate some snack. By that time I drank almost 1,5 L of my beer, cos the only one helping was Robin and I placed the bottle under the table. Thats how I lost it :((
Finally Honza appeared on escalator and we all met again.
Back to sightseeing. Bridge and a castle.
This time it was even possible to cross Charles bridge, we still managed to lose 3 people tho, so I was running around trying to find Honza, Shin and Anne-France.
After AH! and OH! at the castle and cathedral, we bullied Shin a little bit and I chatted to John, Adam´s schoolmate from Stirling, who is going to Australia next month. Jealous...
Later that day I brought my group back to my hometown where my mum was waiting with a car and was excited to see Shin again and drove us to our countryhouse where we grabbed all stuff for wedding, and where we all turned ourselfes from dirty smelly gypsys into stunning young ladies and gentlemen in clean clothes. Another roadtrip to Velké Meziříčí, the road was closed so we got lost, but not that much. We arrived one hour late and we noticed it because all international guests and Eliska´s family were already sitting by the table staring at us with hungry eyes.
Happy greetings with Martička, who arrived by herself.
Then we ate homemade guláš and after that Eliska stood up and delivered an amazing speech.
The speech was about the next day´s programe. She disptributed printed sheets with a schedule writen minute by minute, told us not to lose it or she will kill us (me, Jamie and Honza in the back of the table laughed), it took her 10 minutes to explain each point and told us not to lose it, because its very VERY important (me, Jamie and Honza weren´t listening cos we were looking for misspellings and laughed at them), then Eliska said if anyone is late tomorrow or doesn´t know what to do, she would kill him and she told us not to lose it(me, Jamie and Honza were rolling on the table laughing). Then she almost cried with happiness we are there and we clapped hands. Guláš was D.E.licious!
Eliska didnt allow us to party that night so we would be fresh next day and we were brought to rented high school dormintory.
Sometimes Eliska can be even more scarier than me.
Girls room was busy since seven a.m. Stockings on (pleaseeee Mr. Harris! Just lip my stockings!), cool dresses, hairdryers and heaps of make up.
For those who were terorized by mine and Jamies "Mr. Kazu sent me. He sends premium fantasy", please watch this video, maybe u will understand what we were the whole week laughing at! We would also like to apologize to all of you haha
We all tried hard to stick to Eliska´s rules (or we were just scared of her?)
and met up in front of the dorm right on time. I proudly drove my mates to Eliskas house and there were mountains of sweets, fruits and stuff for breakfast again. So we all got fat again and because Eliska was at haidresser, we were siting outside in the garden, met Adam and Eliskas local friends and played game called INTUITION. While waiting, Jamie went to the bathroom, so I sat her paper programe on fire. Marta and Christine looked shocked and were probably worried about Jamies life if Eliska finds out.
In few moments Eliska and Adam in wedding dress (of course Adam wasnt wearing the same white gown as Eliska)appeared and stole all the attention for themself, which was terrible, cos everybody took 124 photos of them and only 2 photos of me! Lets skip this sad part and move to the castle where we became witnesses of Eliska changing from " Miss OWL" into "Mrs. PUSHED OUT". It was breathtaking, eventho the lady in pink dress who was reading that lame (no offence) poem, was ehm...lame. But that didnt matter as the half of the guests didnt understand Czech anyway...
And when Adam and Eliska said YES, I started to tear up. Yes. And again when I had to express my congratulations to the couple. I didn´t want to make any drama so I just murmured something like "you stupid cow, I love you" and cried even more. And went twice for a hug.
(from now on I wont write Eliska and Adam, cos its too long and will adress them as Vytlacilovi which is their surname)
Then Vytlacilovi were taking kinky wedding pictures in castle gardens, so all the guests were standing around getting druk, because bride´s and groom´s classmates were in charge of pouring shots od vodka and plum alcohol and they were doing their job quite well.
Even Shin was happy.
Next on programme was the most important thing- the food. Lunch, desert, cake, snack, dinner, second dinner and third dinner.
Bride and groom did some crazy czech customs too. For Jakob especially: we really do break a plate and clean it up here in Czechia!!! Or eat a soup when tied together.
It was good fun, me and Marta made up perfect plan about getting a ship and sailing to west to undying lands...which Robin and Rick didn´t seem to understand and Eliska´s dad showed us some wine tasting tricks just in case he left too early and we didnt know how to drink wine at 2 in the morning :D
Many and many people came that afternoon, we danced, ate, gossiped and ate. Ricardo also pulled out his guitar and played Naive and Wonderwall for the 100th time for us. Later 4 scottish proffesional dancers appeard and showed the crowds how to dance like crazy Scots in kilts. The four profis were John, Eliska, Adam and me wearing short dress and no bra under. When you dance like a Scot...you have to jump a lot...:/
I was so impressed with John´s kilt that I have no idea what others were doing but I suddenly found myself sitting at 3 a.m. with him in the corner telling him boys are stupid and I liked him. Also I remember saying I didnt want everyone to think we made out just because drunk. So we waited for 5 minutes until we made out and despite the fact John is going to CangarooLand for a year, he made me his girlfriend for 14 days. Thats actually the reason I havent been writing lately, we were too busy here in Inverness with going to beaches or mountains.
So sorry I can´t write a proper report on that night.
At least I still remember how me and Honza were trying to get Robin to bed, which was quite hard, cos he was very bossy and telling Honza and me to go to bed and he wanted to jump out of the window
So glad other boys cooperated well next morning considering how crazy their night was.
Eliska seemd happy after her first night with Adam haha. Eating at hers again, then me, Jamie, Anne-France, Christin and Marta laying in the garden sunbathing. Then water fight which I had nothing to do with as allways. Shin regreted he joined the fight later cos he smelled like disgusting old fish poo. Anne-France found somewhere a Czech languange book for 6 years old and I started to teach her our lovely HCHKRDTN and žščřcjďťň and how to say Rick is stupid and old. And she was doing great!
Local outdoor swimming pool with extremely cold vater. We pretended to play some volleyball but the only ones really playing were Adam and Christine, the rest of us were just trying not to be the biggest loser.
In the evening we were invited to an outdoor bbq and had the best fun ever:
No, really we had! Anne-France together with Jamie can be so loud and annoying. They wouldn´t stop gigling not even for a minute, so I had to join them and I still don´t know how someone can laugh so much at "ITS RAINING MEN". It just doesn´t me any sense O_o
We went to bed quite late and woke up few times as people were leaving at different times early morning. So it was very sad to say goodbye to everyone again.
Eliska, Adam, Marta, Rick, Anne-France, Robin, Christin, Shin, Honza, Anna, Jamie, John, Roman and Ksenia- it was such a great weekend. Its like a miracle we met so soon after Tokyo and Im happy I became a part of a bunch like this one. See u around the world again and again, nothing will stop us right? We also missed all the friends who couldnt make it to Czech, next time, ehm?
Me and Anne-France would also like to say hi to Jakob´s swedish friend Gustav haha.
P.S. Im sorry if you read this and dislike it, at least you can see Im the same evil even when writing. Oh and I allways say almost truth :P This is probably my last post in English at least until the next wedding.
P.S. Don´t care about misspellings again, I´m too exhausted.
9 komentářů:
if i ever get married, please take pictures of my wedding too!! :D Monika
I think I'll start learning Czech to understand the rest of your blog :) It's so fun to read. Next time we meet, teach me how to be evil, please. Marta
so nice to hear that i can also scarry you, rock it! B-P and i really would like to know how old fish poo smells....coz you are evil and i´m creepy :D PS: i want Tokyoooo!!! but monika, come here to visit us!!
It's an awesome report of our crazy time. I think my favourite bit is you writing about the program. XD And I hope I never forget "Mr.Hallis, preaaase! Lip my stocking!";) And "It's Raining Men" was so funny if you'd been in on the conversation from the beginning. XD We have a whole music video planned! :D Awesome blog Zaneta, thanks for writing it in English, now I can always remember what happened! :D
9 komentářů:
if i ever get married, please take pictures of my wedding too!! :D
haha Mon, I didnt take a single one! I just screwed them. But yeah! happily:D Wie ist Tokyo?
I think I'll start learning Czech to understand the rest of your blog :) It's so fun to read.
Next time we meet, teach me how to be evil, please.
hehe the last day we went to bed quite late?! I remember that a bit different^^... you were the FIRST in bed at around 12 :PPPP
i usualy go to bed around 7, so it was late for me!
okay, then please - sometime in the faaaaar future - screw my wedding pictures, too!! :D und tokyo ist natürlich 最高!!! ♥
so nice to hear that i can also scarry you, rock it! B-P
and i really would like to know how old fish poo smells....coz you are evil and i´m creepy :D
PS: i want Tokyoooo!!! but monika, come here to visit us!!
next time u write any notes like this, tag me too! ^^
Kiki Ch
It's an awesome report of our crazy time. I think my favourite bit is you writing about the program. XD And I hope I never forget "Mr.Hallis, preaaase! Lip my stocking!";) And "It's Raining Men" was so funny if you'd been in on the conversation from the beginning. XD We have a whole music video planned! :D Awesome blog Zaneta, thanks for writing it in English, now I can always remember what happened! :D